Tag Archives: Bell Bottom

Bell Bottom (H)


Don’t get put off by the title. It is a code name for a Indian RAW agent. An Indian airlines plane, IC 691 is hijacked from Delhi during Madam Indira Gandhi’s time as PM. For the first time the PM decides to take action with the help of the RAW agent/s. Bell Bottom is the leader for the assignment.

Akshay Kumar is Bell Bottom. He fits such roles to the ‘T’.  Patriotic and  garden variety human being with a special talent.  This role is no exception. He puts in a classic, sharp and a low key performance. Makes brilliant watching.  His portrayals are honest and projects an Indian in his elements.

Movie is inspiring, gripping and crisp. The story telling, cinematography and the out door scenes are top deck. This is not a Jason Bourne thriller but a close desi cousin. There is always the ‘Fast Forward’ to help you edit the movie the way you want and remove forced stereo typical scenes.

Good movie to watch.

Rating: MA15 Adult Themes.

4 Stars