Como caído del cielo (Mexican)


The film is inspired on the life of the Mexican popular singer Pedro Infante Cruz. But the real hero is Pedro Guadalupe Ramos (Omar Chaparro).

Pedro Infante brought happiness to millions with his singing. But he had an issue. He can’t control his emotion or action when it comes to women. Big time womaniser!  After his death he is in suspended state because the God can’t decide whether to send him to hell for his womanizing excesses or heaven fro doing good to millions. He gets a second chance after 60 years of suspended state to change is ways and remove the womanizing blemish.

He is made to enter the body of Pedro Guadalupe Ramos ,who is a Pedor impersonator and currently in coma, and prove he will be a one woman person. Gudalpo Ramos, like his original was cheating on his wife with her cousin. Enter Pedro Infante into his body and he wakes up. And the riot starts.

This is lively light hearted comedy drama with wonderful songs by Pedro (real singer who died in 1957).

Good movie for fun and enjoyment. Not for children.


Rating: MA15 Adult themes and scenes.4 Stars

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